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添加时间:2023-03-16 15:31:33   浏览次数:26027  


        梁淑轩, 2003年获得博士学位 (2000-2003),2004年赴University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC)进修,2006-2007清华大学访问学者。兼任河北省高等学校环境与安全类教学指导委员会委员,河北省检验检疫学会常务理事,河北省化学会理事。迄今为止,以通讯作者在Chemosphere, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety等国际国内重要期刊发表论文150余篇, 作为主编出版《中国市售水果蔬菜农药残留报告(2015~2019)》专著3部,副主编出版专著21部、教材2部;获授权中国发明专利6项,先后主持了十一五、十二五国家“水体污染控制与治理”科技重大专项专题、河北省自然科学基金、河北省教育厅重点项目等40余项课题。

        联系方式:E-mail: liangsx168@126.com






1.  Bolong Liang, Xi-liang Li, Ke Ma, Shu-xuan Liang*. Pollution characteristics of metal pollutants in PM2.5 and comparison of risk on human health in heating and non-heating seasons in Baoding, China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 170: 166-171

2.  Shu-xuan Liang, Zhe Zhao, Chun-lin Fan, Jian-zhong Xu, Hui Li, Qiao-ying Chang, Guo-fang Pang∗. Fipronil residues and risk assessment of Chinese marketed fruits and vegetables: A long-term investigation over 6 years. Food Control, 2019, 106: 106734

3.  Shu-xuan Liang*, Yu Jin, Wei Liu, Xiliang Li, Shi-gang Shen, Ling Ding. Feasibility of Pb phytoextraction using nano-materials assisted ryegrass: results of a one-year field-scale experiment. Journal of Environmental Management, 2017, 190: 170-175

4.  Ke Ma, Zhe Qin, Zhongqing Zhao, Chunxia Zhao, Shuxuan Liang*. Toxicity evaluation of wastewater collected at different treatment stages from a pharmaceutical industrial park wastewater treatment plant. Chemosphere, 2016, 158, 163-170

5.  Shu-xuan Liang*, Xiaocan Xi, Ling Ding, Wei Liu. Immobilization Mechanism of Nano-Hydroxyapatite on Lead in the Ryegrass Rhizosphere Soil Under Root Confinement. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2019, 103(2): 330-335

6.  Ling Ding, Jianbing Li, Wei Liu, Qingqing Zuo, Shu-xuan Liang*. Influence of nano-hydroxyapatite on the metal bioavailability, plant metal accumulation and root exudates of ryegrass for phytoremediation in lead-polluted soil. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2017, 14, 532

7.  Shu-xuan Liang*, Ning Gao, Zhan-chen Li, Shi-gang Shen & Jianbing Li. Investigation of correlativity between heavy metals concentration in indigenous plants and combined pollution soils. Chemistry and Ecology, 2016, 32(9): 872-883

8.  Yu Jin, Wei Liu, Xi-liang Li, Shi-gang Shen, Shu-xuan Liang*, Cunqi Liu, Liyuan Shan. Nano-hydroxyapatite immobilized lead and enhanced plant growth of ryegrass in a contaminated soil. Ecological Engineering, 2016, 95, 25-29影响因子 3.023,三区

10.  Shuxuan Liang, Xinfeng Dong, Ming Su, Hanwen Sun*. Analysis of herbicide atrazine and its degradation products in cereals by ultra-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Analytical Methods, 2016, 8(17), 3599-3604


1.  制药废水全过程控制特征污染物的筛选与识别技术(项目批准号:2012ZX07203-003-Z02),十二五国家重大水专项课题专题(2012~2019,主持人)

2.  空气污染(雾霾)人群健康影响监测,保定市疾控中心横向课题(2013~2016,主持人)

3.  纳米羟基磷灰石对黑麦草修复铅污染土壤的根际环境影响及机理(项目批准号:B2014201175),河北省自然科学基金(2014~2016,主持人)

4.  检验新方法开发及检验技术人员培训合作项目,保定市疾控中心横向课题(2016~2018,主持人)

5.  富营养化水体除磷材料分析,河北省环境科学研究院横向课题(2016~2017,主持人)

6.  典型工业废水中关键毒性污染物的筛查技术研究(项目批准号:ZD2017207),河北省教育厅重点项目(2017~2019,主持人)

7.  人工湿地表层沉积物磷形态分析,横向课题(2017~2018,主持人)

8.  白洋淀周边典型区域重金属多介质富集机制及生态风险评价(项目批准号:B2018201283)河北省自然科学基金课题(2018~2020,主持人)

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